Monday, September 20, 2010


Hello again. Here in the southern hemisphere summer is rolling on in and the Fleet Foxes are helping it along. So pretty and harmonious and deep with the perfect hint of intrigue. Saw a Vincent Moon directed vid of them on youtube a few days ago. Ridiculously talented boys captured in an edgy, bleached polaroid, unadorned, just-right kind of way. They've got a new album coming out being impatient about the release of an album or book!

I know I've said this before, but feel it needs a bit of expansion. Never underestimate the power of being in the presence of nature. Mountains, gardens, rivers, parks, breathing trees, singing birds, quiet beaches all keep your senses alive. Our world is often noisy and frenetic, contradictory and exciting. There is something so dynamic and peaceful about letting natural surroundings wash over you. Close your eyes and breathe in the salty waves, warm green scrub, forest leaf tea stream, earthy moss, perfumed lavender, splashing rain, bracing snow. Live, live, live.

Aaah Midlake...the only possible follow-up. Today's recipe is a perfect sunshiny day meal. Apple and brie salad. Enough for 4. A large colander full of mixed lettuce (butter, rocket, cos, iceberg, red and green oak leaf etc.), washed and dried. Half a cucumber thinly sliced. 2 crispy, slightly tart apples cored and sliced (squeeze a little lemon juice over and toss to prevent going brown). About 1 1/2 cups sweet rosa/cherry tomatoes. A wedge of brie thinly sliced. 1/2 cup chopped walnuts / pecan nuts. 2 TBSPS each apple cider vinegar and fruity extra virgin olive oil whisked together. Put all ingredients in a large salad bowl leaving apple, brie and nuts for the top. Splash dressing over. Enjoy!

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